

The EMRS team can be activated or contacted for advice 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Call SCOTSTAR Specialist Service Desk on 03333 990 222  and ask for the "Duty Retrieval Consultant"


EMRS exists to serve adults with life threatening injury or illness where advanced medical intervention is appropriate to optimise safe transfer. 

Thismay include:

  • Ventilated patients
  • High dependency patients with single organ failure
  • Patients with compromised physiology
  • Patients with actual or potentially serious injuries


Download our EMRS Activation Poster for your department.


Scotland’s three Specialist Transport and Retrieval Services; the Scottish Neonatal Transport Service (SNTS), the Transport of Critically Ill and Injured Children Service, and the Emergency Medical Retrieval Service (EMRS) are now co-located and working together in the SCOTSTAR division of the Scottish Ambulance Service.